Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Summer Return!!!

Hey, all! It has been quite a while. Things got super crazy there for a while, but hopefully I will be back to posting regularly (perhaps not every day, but at least once or twice a week).

I regret to inform you all that our Osutchi and Mesutchi ran out of battery power before I had time to finish their multi-generational run. :( I hope at some point to complete a full, honest-to-goodness run. It's difficult because the batteries do run out kind of fast and the Osutchi in particular likes to randomly reset. Rest in peace, Lyman and Suzie.

I went on a trip to Utah to visit family, and while I was out there I ran a new virtual pet, the pedometer-based "Dragon Quest Slime Virtual Pet". It was a fun one to run, but required a lot of shaking and walking around. I will perhaps give it another run in the near future, but for now I'm waiting on the 20th Anniversary Digital Monster which is coming here in the next week or two! 😂 *excitement off the charts*

Also while I was out of town I ran two of the lower-maintenance Digimon I have, my Mini V2 & V3. They ended up as Centarumon & Devimon respectively. I'm not running any of them now, but thought I would acknowledge their existence. It's only fair. ^^'

And now, on to our current run!

Tamagotchi Mothra

Name: Thomar
Stage/Species: Mothra Larva
Age: 2 Days  Weight: 10 Tons
Justice Meter: 75%

I have always liked the Mothra, mainly because you can get the Godzilla secret character. :P But I'm going to be trying for one of the other secret characters, Ghogo. Thomar is an anagram of Mothra, and yes I couldn't come up with anything better. I didn't just want to call him "Mothra", though. ^^' Managed to capture his first moments of life, as well as his current stage. As a baby, he reminds me a little of the Morino Tamagotchi. 

Digimon Pendulum 2.0 - Deep Savers

Name: Gon
Species: Pukumon
Level: Ultimate (Mega)
Age: 13 yr. Weight: 26g
Battles: 33/35 Win Percentage: 94%
Type: Virus  
Battle: O  Jogress: X

So I am letting Gon here finish out his life before the new Digimon show up, rather than mercilessly taking the batteries out or keeping him in eternal limbo until they run out. ^^' I was rather happy to get him, though, because he was the first Mega/Ultimate I have got on my Pendulum 2.0. He was assisted in getting here by Calcifer, my Pendulum 3.0, and Zeke, my Pendulum 1.0. Calcifer has this weird habit, though, of not evolving past Perfect/Ultimate when I try to Jogress him as Phantomon. It's kind of frustrating because I want to see Piedmon, darnit! :/

Anyway, that's all for now. Catch you all later!

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