Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New Kiddos! (And their names are....)

....Lyman and Suzie! 😋 Yep! Those are the names for Chuck and Patty's new kids! So let's get to welcoming them into the family with a video!

Osutchi & Mesutchi

Name(s): Charlie “Chuck” Brown & Lyman
Species: Billotchi & PetitChocotchi
Age: 12   Weight: 45G

Name(s): Peppermint Patty & Suzie
Species: Billkotchi & PetitChocotchi
Age: 12   Weight: 43G

(Caution, the whole sequence is kinda loud.) 
So, since Chuck and Patty were of age, it seemed like the right time for the next generation to make their way into the world. Caught it on video for your viewing pleasure. :J I named the boy Lyman, after "lima bean" because his future evolution reminded me of a bean sprout. I named the girl Suzie for no real reason, though I did notice after I did that that her future evolution has little pigtails like Suzie from the third season of Digimon. ^^'
The similarity is uncanny. :P
Other than that, they were pretty quiet. Did call for attention even with their hearts full, though. (Setting a bad example for their kids!! 😡)

Digital Monster Ver.3

Name: Arthur
Species: Giromon
Age: 16   Weight: 5G
Battles: 30/30   Win Ratio: 100%

Did some battling with Arthur today, and he did great! As always. :J Even took on a couple of Mega-leveled Digimon. Brought his record to a round 30 wins. 

Tamagotchi Connection V3

Name: Ben
Species: Young Mametchi 
Age: 3  Weight: 22lb
Training:  IIIIIII
Gender: Male
Generation: 1

Ben, Chuck, and Patty had to stay paused for a good chunk of the day while I was at work, but even so he got some more discipline. I'm not certain on the timing of how long between teen and adult stages on the Connections, but I expect we'll see what he turns into in a day or so. I managed to catch him doing one of his funny little activities in the evening:
Bath time! 
Anyhow, that's all for now! We shall see what tomorrow brings! :)

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